… a woman must have money and a room of her own if she is to write fiction; ~ Virginia Woolf
Do you dream of having financial freedom without compromising your family ties and personal happiness?
You know you have a calling, a purpose in the world. You may even know what it is. It may not be writing fiction, but it is most certainly creative. You want to step into your work and have the world respond. You want there to be balance between the energy you put out, and the energy you receive. You want to LOVE what you do to make money. You want your work to flow effortlessly from authentic living. You want to live to work. Yes, you would so love to wake up each day to a life designed to honor your deepest held commitments and longings, a life without financial stress (ack!). Yessss, you want a life of freedom and abundance. You don’t want a shortcut, but rather the long and happy road of growing into what you were born to do. You want to awaken with verve (not mania), with peace (not the fake-y kind), with vitality (yes, there is vitality without coffee) and with knowing (no more trying). Yes, that would be lovely wouldn’t it?
But right now you work to live.
You feel split between your work and your life, between work and your family. Or maybe you have spent your life carefully guarding your precious calling but find yourself stuck in the cycle of poverty. You want to finally have your work recognized for what it’s really worth. You’re running around like a crazie person, amped on caffeine and stress, spinning your wheels and just scraping by. You’re exhausted and are starting to think, damn there has got to be another way! Maybe you have all the time in the world, but are always feeling the financial pinch. You may not even remember that you have dreams and have grown cynical and angry at the rich. But there is still a part of you that knows you were born for something. If only your parents had recognized it and helped you realize your full potential…. if only.
You’ve tried having patience, trusting in the order of things.
Maybe you’ve taken a marketing course or two, or checked out a bunch on tie management books out of the library. You’ve tried drinking enough coffee to make it actually seem like you don’t hate what you do, or maybe you love what you do but hate the feeling of failure that comes with every new push that doesn’t actually bring abundance and relief. Maybe you work out of the home and you’re tired of being away from your children all day every day and want an alternative. Maybe you are a secret introvert trying to make it in an extroverted world.
You don’t want to choose between yourself and your work…
between creating your work of art and your work-for-money. You struggle to find time for your dreams. If your a mother, you want your children to follow their dreams, but can’t quite strike that tricky the balance and show them a mother who is there for them ~ and for herself.
Take it from me, a poverty stricken idealist.
I grew up poor with a true single mother. There was no child support or alimony. My mother worked very hard and was usually too exhausted to spend much time with me. As a young adult I lived in the poverty of student loans while I followed my dreams in philosophy, literature and art. After graduate school I decided to try my hand in the real world and stepped into a ten year financial awakening. I moved to Portland, Oregon and started a few really cool projects that got a lot of attention, but very little financial support. Then I had my first child and I realized that something had to change. At first I did something I knew was NOT my calling, but made a lot of money and was compatible with my introverted nature. For the first time in my life I had enough. In fact, I had plenty, abundance, a buffer. It was an amazing feeling and I realized that much of my lifetime struggle with depression was related to not having enough. It was liberating. I was happy in a way I had never been before. But pretty soon, I started missing my dreams and the stress of my money job was really getting to me. I decided I was going to learn about money and figure it out like I was writing an academic essay. I read books, I found and hired an amazing business coach and began building the structure of my dream work. But once the structure was in place, I hit a wall inside myself. The thing was, I needed something deeper than a website and a social media strategy (though now those things are critical in my business). I needed to heal from the imprinting of a lifetime of poverty and shame. I decided to use the same Myth Mending tools I used to prepare for the birth of my second baby, to see if I could prepare for the birth of my business, my life’s work, my dream job. AND it WORKED like magic. I realized that I needed to create a safe space in my being before I could manifest an outer room of my own.
That’s why I created A Room of Her Own:
In my work with mothers over the years, one of the biggest themes, perhaps bigger than any other, has been the longing for financial freedom. I was not alone. Women either crave more support from working partners, or they long to contribute meaningfully to the world. They long to rest, and play, and really enjoy life. They want relief from the stress of not having enough, or the cost of having enough.
What you’ll get:
- The “A Room of Her Own” Visioning worksheet
- 3 Myth Mending sessions: breakthrough obstacles at their root
- A 1 hour live or Skype brainstorming session with Krista
- The true name of your business: make it matter.
- “From Mission to Manifesto” worksheet
- Your unique logo design: Simple and symbolic.
- Mission & Manifesto editing and completion.
- Properly sized simple Header & Favicon.
- Website Design Implementation and Content Creation including the following pages:
- Business Email Accounts with autoresponders: Be professional
- Newsletter / Email List: Allows you to communicate with your tribe.
- Free Download: Gives prospective clients a taste of your work, primes them to hire you and prepares them to be easy breezey to work with.
- Homepage: This is where you potential and returning clients land.
- About Page: Let’s prospective clients know about what you offer them and about you.
- 1 Sales Pages: I will help you craft your first offer and write it up using all my word-working skill and vision.
- Blog HQ: So folks can stay informed and you can
- 3 Blog Posts to go with your Sales Page: so you can promote your offers gently and by giving.
- Media/Testimonials Page: with at least one testimonial. Social Proof is important!
- Contact Page
- Shopping Cart/Pay Now Buttons: Get paid online using E-junkie and/or PayPal
A la Carte items that can be added and paid for individually at the outset or later on:
- Branded Facebook Page
- Branded Twitter Page
- Branded Pinterest Page
- Photos for your page if you live locally
- Extra Sales Pages
- Blog Posts / Articles
- Affiliate Program: Get others to promote your work and get paid.
- Portfolio: Showcase your work
- MP3 Player: Deliver audio with style (creative or educational)
- Membership/Course Site: for creating community or delivering courses
- Trademarking your name, title or logo
- a la carte Myth Mending Sessions: to overcome obstacles if they emerge in the process.
What to Expect:
Using the age old and innovative tools of Myth Mending, together we will restore the part of you who knows what she wants, who dreams and visions, who hears that call of destiny. We will use spiritual biography as well as a dash of myth mending to balance and invite the creative energies. Only then will then move into the practical realities of your emergent business, yes business. We can call it a Cottage Industry, if you like.
Stages of the Process:
From Dreams to Identity: This is the most important part to get right. Discover your unique calling and remove obstacles to embracing it. This is the most touchy-feely part of our program, but well worth the woo. It really works! Even if you’ve been struggling and confused for years, our unique process with help you clarify your mission on the planet and who will receive your myriad blessings. Branding, Site Design & Copy: Now that you know what you want to be and who you want to serve, you need a mission and a manifesto, a business name, logo, website and basic marketing materials. The Books: All the practical stuff. Easy book keeping and accounting, banking, taxes, dealing with permits, business registration and all those other pesky practicalities. This stage also includes some deep inquiry and contemplation about money and its role in our lives; past, present, and future. We will also consider philosophies of voluntary simplicity, tithing and abundance.
Who A Room of Her Own is for:
- Mother’s who want to create some income from home while their kids are small.
- Dynamic Women who want to step into their true passion and calling.
- Introverts who want support getting themselves out there without bragging and being too in the public eye.
- Anyone wanting to have a jump start on their journey toward financial freedom.
- Middle-wayers who want support in the creation stages, but want to maintain their own WordPress site updates.
Who A Room of Her Own is NOT for:
- People who want everything done for them.
- People who want complete control over the design process, but won’t learn to do it themselves.
- People who don’t want any responsibility for maintaining their site after the pieces are put into place.
- People who want an uber high design concept or who are attached to something tricky or gimicky. I design straightforward, simple yet beautiful sites, but I am not a design snob.
You can do it!
I don’t care where you are, how broke, how desperate, or how complacent, comfortably numb or in denial. If you want to come out of it and find that sacred place in your being that knows exactly how to find financial freedom, then you can do it, and I want to help you! Over the years, I have witnessed the power of Myth Mending. I have seen lives open up in ways that seemed miraculous. Whatever it is, I promise, you can have financial freedom and authentic work in the world. You just need to get clear and get set-up.
Get Started:
Your Investment: $6797
I am offering a 50% off Portfolio Building Special for the first 6 people who jump on board.
First come first served between now and May 2014.
3 of the 6 spots have been filled. 3 spaces left!
If you (or someone you know) are ready to launch your new “thing” (and would love seasoned compassionate support) this might be for you….
Get Started:
Make your $250 non-refundable deposit:
What’s it worth to you?
Most website design companies only offer design services. They rarely help you know what they need to design something you’ll be happy with and they certainly don’t witness your dream process. Despite this the cost of a basic professional website is $5-7,000. This usually doesn’t include copywriting or content creation. You have to provide that yourself or find another source and I have seen sales pages copy going from $1-2000 per page and more if you want images or help with layout! When you work with me you’ll get a complete website AND I’ll help you with finding your call, dreaming up your project, finding its true name and helping you get set up with all the basics for launch. Because I will have my hands and heart in all aspects of your project I will be able to really get to the crux of it and create content that will authentically represent you (though there may be some stretches) and have your prospective clients swooning over how happy they are to have found you. Really what is that worth? $6,000+ is a bargain from where I sit.
Here is what others are saying about working with me:
Krista asked just the right questions about our business goals, but also about our dreams, lifestyle and current situation. She really listened to us, not only what we said verbally, but all that was unsaid, the stuff that really only existed in our hearts. Krista created a really safe and supportive space to talk openly. She was genuinely excited about our project, a basic cleaning company, and rather than churn out just another generic cleaning site, she listened, intuited and came up with something unique, warm, inviting and fun. We love the clients and employees we attract through the site she created for us and are inspired by our work every day. Krista was dead on. Before we got started we were worried that we wouldn’t be taken seriously or that our feeling based sense of the project wouldn’t be translated accurately. We were also committed to authenticity and truly serving people and the world. We wanted our business to be based in love, not just making money. Of course, we also really needed to support ourselves. When we saw what Krista was doing at Tierra Soul we were impressed and hopeful that she would “get” us. We put our dream in her hands and she delivered a true gift to us. Our business is successful and blossoming and we feel proud putting it out there. After less than one year we are now making a solid living, employing others and dreaming new dreams. There is now doubt in our minds that we will continue to work with Krista and get her help on future projects. If you want someone trustworthy, truly creative, savvy and kind to help you get your business idea into the world, you won’t be disappointed with Krista. ~ Cecilia Flor, co-owner of the Tidy Gnomes See more testimonials. See my Website Design/ Copywriting Portfolio