Decolonizing Permaculture :: Lazy-Lady Living takes the plunge
September 20, 2016 @ 8:00 am - October 18, 2016 @ 5:00 pm UTC+0
| exchangeI have spent a number of years (like 15+) re-claiming, learning and teaching traditional foods (fermenting, sourcing, cooking etc) and permaculture (sustainable agriculture – beyond organic). I have taken the last or so year off to re-think it all because I want to be working with Indigenous people more and I want to address Permaculture’s debt to Indigenous people. I have always found myself to be an outsider in these movements and am looking to change that for myself and for others.
So, my most recent idea is to begin with a seed group of 10-20 volunteers (open only to self-identified Indigenous people) willing to go through my course (which is completely online) in exchange for their contribution to “decolonizing / re-indigenizing” the course content. This would mean pointing us, as a convened community, toward “original instructions” from their own traditions, challenging Permaculture claims, and offering thoughts on re-framing / re-visioning the permaculture movement as and for Indigenous people.
I would also invite anyone willing to help with administrative tasks to support us that way as well. I know its a huge task on the back-end of this course!
You can do the whole course from your home or library computer and it will take about an hour/module to watch all the instructional videos as well as another 1-4 hours/module depending on how deep you want to go. There are 8 modules in total.
This course-collaboration is now full.